MU-COM Research Day

User Collection Público
262 Artículo


Last Updated: 2021-10-22
MU-COM Research Day miniatura

Trabajos (262)

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231.Short Duration Exposure of Vibrio Cholerae to Small Intestine Conditions and the Effect on Cholera Toxin and Stringent Response Gene Expression

232.Should patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) RECEIVE a heart transplant?

233.Single-Center Denial Reasons for Potential Living Kidney Donors

234.Sorbitol Protection Assay Provides Insight into Antifungal Mechanisms of Boron Compounds against Candida albicans and Candida Glabrata

235.Spontaneous resolution of fetal ascites secondary to gastrointestinal abnormality

236.Stolen ambulances reported in the media

237.Stopping Pandemics in their Tracks

238.Stringent Response Regulation of Virulence Factors in Vibrio Cholera

239.Student Use of Virtual Microscopy Laboratory Modules in an Integrated Medical Curriculum

240.Surgical Therapy to Atlantoaxial Instability