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- Coincidencias de palabras clave:
- ... TRACE METHODS FOR COHOCHSCHILD HOMOLOGY arXiv:2301.11346v1 [math.AT] 26 Jan 2023 SARAH KLANDERMAN ...... Maximilien Peroux, Spanier-Whitehead duality for topological coHochschild homology, 2023, arXiv:2012.03966 ...... , to appear in Journal of London Mathematical Society. Ulrich Bunke, Differential cohomology, arXiv e ...... -prints (2012), arXiv:1208.3961. Tomasz Brzezinski and Robert Wisbauer, Corings and comodules, London ...... endomorphisms, the TR-trace, and zeta functions, arXiv e-prints (2020), arXiv:2005.04334. Jonathan A. Campbell ...
- Creador:
- Klanderman, Sarah and Peroux, M.
- Descripción:
- We provide traces for coHochschild homology, dualizing the Hattori-Stallings trace. Considering the trace of the identity, we define traces between coHochschild homology and certain K-theories of coalgebras. We employ...
- Tipo de recurso:
- Article
- Coincidencias de palabras clave:
- ... LODAY CONSTRUCTIONS ON TWISTED PRODUCTS AND ON TORI arXiv:2002.00715v1 [math.AT] 3 Feb 2020 ALICE ...... for twisted topological Hochschild homology of equivariant spectra, preprint arXiv:2001.06602. [2 ...... , Stability of Loday constructions, preprint arXiv:1905.05619. [15] Jean-Louis Loday, Cyclic Homology, Second ...... , preprint arXiv:1911.04345. [23] Christoph Schaper, Suspensions of affine arrangements, Math. Ann. 309 (1997 ...
- Creador:
- Zou, Foling, Hedenlund, A., Klanderman, Sarah, Richter, B., and Lindenstrauss, A
- Descripción:
- Part of special issue: Women in Topology III. Abstract: We develop a spectral sequence for the homotopy groups of Loday constructions with respect to twisted cartesian products in the case where the group involved is discrete....
- Tipo de recurso:
- Article
- Coincidencias de palabras clave:
- ... : haplotypesensitive assembly of highly heterozygous genomes. Preprint at https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1703 ...
- Creador:
- Dredeson, J., Mudd, A., Hanken, J., Kerdivel, G., Medina-Ruiz, S., Buisine, N., Sachs, L., Buchholz, D., Kwon, T., Smith-Parker, H., Gridi-Papp, M., Ryan, M., Plott, C., Denton, Robert D., Malone, J., Wallingford, J., Mitros, T., Straight, A., Heald, R., Hockemeyer, D., Harland, R. , Rokhsar, D., Smith, O., Grimwood, J., Miller, K., Lyons, J, Batra, S., Park, J., Berkoff, K., Schmutz, J., Aguierre-Figueroa, G., Khokha, M., Lane, M., Philipp,I., and Laslo, M
- Descripción:
- Frogs are an ecologically diverse and phylogenetically ancient group of anuran amphibians that include important vertebrate cell and developmental model systems, notably the genus Xenopus. Here we report a high-quality...
- Tipo de recurso:
- Article