DNP Final Project Depository

User Collection Öffentlichkeit
93 Element


Last Updated: 2021-10-04
DNP Final Project Depository Miniaturansicht

Funktioniert (93)

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81. Quantitative Train-of-Four Monitoring and the Assessment of Train-of Four Count

82. Reducing Anesthesia Workstation Contamination

83. Referring Palliative Care Patients: A Process Improvement Project

84. A Retrospective Chart Review Comparing Ultrasound Guided Verses Landmark Intravenous Access

85. A Retrospective Study on the Use of Intraoperative Subhypnotic Propofol Infusion in Conjunction with Volatile Anesthetics to Decrease PONV

86. A Retrospective Study on the Use of Rescue Pain Medication in Patients Who Receive Transabdominal Plane Blocks Post Caesarean Sections

87. Simulation-Based Training for Anesthesia Machine Set-up

88. Simulation-Based Training for Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists Managing Malignant Hyperthermia

89. Spinal Induced Hypotension Prophylaxis: Indiana CRNA Techniques

90. Supplemental Intraoperative Intravenous Fluid Administration among Patients Undergoing Surgical Procedures and General Anesthesia for the Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting: A Retrospective Chart Review