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- ... The Festivalweek! Volume 5, Number 25 Carbon A Student Publication of Marian College 21 April 1988 ...... College, an_d the Uni- Association for the 1988-~9 year. versity of Evansville. Marian students win state ...... office THE CARBON Pae 2 21 April 1988 The views expressed on this page are not necessarily the views of ...... scenes at 1988 Hoosier Science and Engineering Fair: Holly Fehlinger, Jeanne Lovins, Teresa Dieter, Tony ...... :00 noon, Monday, the week they arc to run. THE CARBON 21 April 1988 Student awards program set by ...
- 创造者:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
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- ... Colle e ) 3 . ,,. ., .: .: seii1of'.:~f:6~1~:: : ::=::.:: ::.::: . 3 8 December 1988 by Stacey ...... . . . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.-:-:-:-:-,:-:-:-: :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:--::-:-:::-:::;:::-:::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 8 December 1988 PUZZLE SOLUTION ...... . nance services and dorm up-keep fell to The March 1988 survey pointed to sev- the 80 - 89% satisfaction ...... :00 noon, Monday, the weelc they are to run. THE CARBON 8 December 1988 lli.iffll RfflJll ...... Page 4 8 December 1988 THECARBON Christmas Carol reviewed by Tina M. Kunkler The Marian College Theatre ...
- 创造者:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
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- ... . > THE CARBON -- 21 January 1988 -- page 2 GUEST EDITORIAL I don I t know about the other dorm students ...... Hall were unlocked at 2:15a.m., Wednesday, January 13, 1988. After such discoveries I find difficulty ...... security department of Karlan College. The article in the January 14, 1988 issue of the~ said that this ls ...... W/1# OU. THE CARBON -- 21 January 1988 -- page 4 t1Q#12N!!'Pt by SID and JT the Wildest As everyone ...... CLUBOur club activity ls a meeting on Tuesday, January 26, 1988, 7:00p.m. Location: Autumn Woods ...
- 创造者:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
- 关键字匹配:
- ... 1988 Dorm rooms to be inspected by Lucinda Griner Random inspections will be conducted in Clare and ...... Marian College's 1988 Variety hunk in a magazine, "like for sure!" Of Show was under way. As the lights ...... Knight Winding down the night's program was Moves singing "That's When the Music the crowning of the 1988 ...... Service, U.S.D.A. r8 -- Corrine Wickens 10 November 1988 The Carbon, a source of news and information as ...... are to run. 10 November 1988 I Page THE CARBON 3 :CSellior-Profile by Raymond List Becky Harris, a ...
- 创造者:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
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- ... . Controller Joe Ryan told the Colleg Council that the outdated system was removed in March of 1988 because it ...... . .. .:,.:, -:::<:-:::::::-::::::;:::::.:::--:: :.:.:::.::::::>::::::._::::: ijttijt~~~ ir Dr. Drew Appleby, Chairman of the Psychology Department, has been selected the 1988 ...... approach to academic advising that incorporates (SeeAPPLEBYp. 3) Page 2 THECARBON 15 September 1988 ...... , the week tbey are to run. THE CARBON 15 September 1988 Page 3 by Tina M. Kunkler Ellen Frommeyer, a ...... in numerous campus activities such as Treasurer of Student Government, 1988 Orientation Staff ...
- 创造者:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
- 关键字匹配:
- ... The Carbon Go Lady Knights! Volume 6, Number 4 29 September 1988 Dorm shortage "critical" by Tina M ...... retention rate from the spring semester 1988 to the fall semester 1988 is 82 percent, a four percent ...... 1987 to 822 in the fall of 1988, a 15.6 percent increase. Woodman predicts a decrease of student ...... knight is a good idea, and it will be an asset to school spirit. Page 2 THECARBON 29 September 1988 The ...... are to run. 29 September 1988 THE CARBON Page 3 by Mary Pedtke Have you seen this face before? Well ...
- 创造者:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
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- ... TAe VOL. 5, NO. 20, :3 MARCH .1988 A STUDENT PUBLICATION . _ OF MARIAN COLLEGE TEAMWORK GETS ...... to be aware that these grants lllil become smaller or even ' becane nonexistent for the 1988-89 schoo ...... tl les, also 30, 1988. tennis courts should notice that noted the feeling of teanMork. "I Mr. John ...... ) Effective 1988-89, a student's preparations for a new roof began of the Maintenance Department, and ...... . THE CARBON -- 3 March 1988 -- page 2 The views expressed on this page are not necessar i Iy the views ...
- 创造者:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
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- ... The Happy Thanksgi,ving! Carbon 17 November 1988 Volume 6, Number 9 Allison preps for Christmas by ...... THECARBON Page 2 17 November 1988 Crime prevention program On November 22, 1988, Student Affairs is offering ...... Nicholas at ext. 170. Deadline for entries is November 17, 1988. The winners will be announced on November ...... , the week: they are to run. 17 November 1988 THE CARBON Page 3 by Karla Clirisler Matt LaGrange came ...... Rinard On Wednesday evening, 9 November 1988, the ceiling in the hallway of Fisher Hall (next to room 24 ...
- 创造者:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
- 关键字匹配:
- ... 1988 Field Day events -announced by Stacey Nicholas Marian College's annual field day, formally called ...... reality. 28 April 1988 The views expressed on this page are not necessarily the views of the Carbon or its ...... arc to run. 28 April 1988 Graduation day program set by Ray List The big day for many Marian College ...... students is May 8, 1988. On that day, the hard work and frustrations of those students will come to ...... , announced her resignation, effective May 12, 1988. She said her decision to resign is based on the need for ...
- 创造者:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
- 关键字匹配:
- ... Acting Dean. She was 6 October 1988 Family Day October 22 To insure that everyone in your home feels ...... are very fortunate to have Sr. Norma here." : Rr}~?.11:: )r Page 2 THECARBON 6 October 1988 ...... :00 noon, Monday, the week they are to run. Page THE CARBON 6 October 1988 3 by Karla Jo Chrisler Who ...... October 1988 St. Francis we celebrate our Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred ...... , hope. Where there is darkness, light. Where there is sadness, joy. 6 October 1988 at Marian Franciscan ...
- 创造者:
- Marian University - Indianapolis