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- ... Nursing Students Clinical Recommendation Regarding Referral to Mental Health Services By: Etini Inyang College of Arts and Sciences, Marian University Indianapolis 3200 Cold Spring Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46222 ABSTRACT RESEARCH QUESTIONS In healthcare, nurses play important roles beyond medical care, including patient advocacy and emotional support. This research proposal examines nursing students' ability to identify mental illness symptoms and potential racial biases therein. Addressing gaps in understanding biases within nursing education, our study investigates how biases might influence student recognition of mental health issues in diverse patient populations. INTRODUCTION In modern healthcare, nurses' roles extend far beyond clinical tasks to encompass patient advocacy and emotional support. Despite the critical importance of their role in patient care, little attention has been paid to biases within nursing education, particularly regarding mental health recognition. Research shows that implicit attitudes were more often related to interactions between patients and medical providers (Hall et al., 2015). In our study we used vignette designs, which are used as an ideal method to investigate how health care professionals make decisions regarding their patients (Evans et al., 2015). 1) Are nursing students more accurate in making a referral to a mental health professional for a) Male or Female patients? b) Black or White patients? 2) Are nursing students more accurate in making a referral to a mental health professionals if they are a) Higher/lower in trait levels of empathy? b) Higher/lower in racial comfort toward Black people? RESULTS A factorial ANOVA revealed a significant impact of symptom severity such that those in the high clinical symptom condition (M = 2.83, SE = 0.18) demonstrated higher accuracy than those in the low clinical symptom condition (M = 1.25, SE = 0.16) [F (1, 15) = 41.49, p < .001]. But there were no significant main or interaction effects of patient race and/or gender. Vignette & Referral Student Demographics Racial Attitudes Basic Demographics Emapthy Twenty-four nursing students completed an online survey wherein they were randomly assigned to read one of four vignettes describing symptoms including some associated with mental illness. Participants indicated the likelihood they would make a clinical referral to a mental Figure 1. Screenshot of vignette & clinical recommendation options. health care professional. Linear regression was used to test multiple predictors of clinical accuracy. Of the tested predictors (racial comfort, empathy, total psych courses taken, and age), only empathy predicted accuracy & higher levels of empathy were associated with lower clinical accuracy [R2 = .19, F(1, 22) = 4.32, p = .04. No other predictors were significant. CONCLUSIONS MATERIALS AND METHODS Informed Consent RESULTS (CONT.) Figure 2. Results of factorial ANOVA showing no significant main or interaction effects of patient race or gender on clinical decision making. Correlation analysis found an unexpected, significant negative correlation between trait levels of empathy & clinical accuracy (r = -0.44, p = 0.04). Figure 3. Heatmap of correlational analysis. Nursing students demonstrated higher referral accuracy with high clinical symptoms. There were no significant effects found for patient race/gender. Unexpectedly, empathy negatively correlated with accuracy, suggesting a need for further exploration. Future research should investigate empathy's role in referral accuracy and expand demographic scope for generalizability. LITERATURE CITED Evans, S. C., Roberts, M. C., Keeley, J. W., Blossom, J. B., Amaro, C. M., Garcia, A. M., Stough, C. O., Canter, K. S., Robles, R., & Reed, G. M. (2015). Vignette methodologies for studying clinicians decision- making: Validity, utility, and application in ICD-11 field studies. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 15(2), 160170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijchp.2014.12.001 Hall, W. J., Chapman, M. V., Lee, K. M., Merino, Y. M., Thomas, T. W., Payne, B. K., Eng, E., Day, S. H., & Coyne-Beasley, T. (2015). Implicit racial/ethnic bias among health care professionals and its influence on health care outcomes: A systematic review. American Journal of Public Health, 105(12), 6076. https://doi.org/10.2105/ajph.2015.302903 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Dr. Egan for her guidance and support throughout this study! ...
- 创造者:
- Inyang, Etini
- 描述:
- In healthcare, nurses play important roles beyond medical care, including patient advocacy and emotional support. This research proposal examines nursing students' ability to identify mental illness symptoms and potential...
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- ... The Molecular Buzz: Unlocking the Secret Species of Bees Ashley Durnil, Joshua Trerise, and Elaine Garcia College of Arts and Sciences, Marian University Indianapolis 3200 Cold Spring Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46222 MAIN IDEA RESULTS 1: BEE SAMPLES - The main idea of this project is to identify what species we have living in the Ecolab. We extracted DNA from several types of bees and put them through the PCR process and Gel Electrophoresis. We then prepared the DNA to send it off for sequencing and afterward got back our results. This overall process is called DNA barcoding - DNA barcoding is important because it utilizes short DNA sequences from standardized regions of the genome to distinguish different species. It provides a molecular "barcode" unique to each species. It contributes significantly to our understanding of animal diversity and ecosystems. Figure 2. Bees 1 and 2 came from the same collected species. These bees were our medium sized bees, with longer torsos and more prominent stripes. Bees 3 and 4 came from the same collected species as well. These bees are some of our largest bees, with a light-yellow abdomen and faded stripes. Bees 5 and 6 also came from the same collected species. These bees were some of our smallest bees with less prominent stripes. One of the bees between 5 and 6 is more yellow on the abdomen, and one of the other bees has a slightly green tinted abdomen. This green tint could have been from the solution they were sitting in, or how old the bee was. 1. 3. 5. INTRODUCTION What Bees are buzzing around in our Nina Mason Pulliman Ecolab here at Marian University? It is necessary that we know the bee species in our Ecolab because if our barcoding shows that we observed a wide variety of bee species than it indicated that we have a healthy Ecolab. Bees control the amount of pollen moved between plants which is necessary for plant fertilization and reproduction (Varela). In order to answer our broader question, we will be using DNA barcoding as a reliable and rapid way to identify our bee species at a genomic level. Figure 1. This is the Nina Mason Pulliman Ecolab at Marian University. This is where all 6 of the bees that we used in this experiment are from! MATERIALS AND METHODS FOR BEE EXTRACTION - Tissue from 6 bees Different-size collection tubes Thermocycler (Figure 1) Buffer AW1& AW2 Buffer AE & ATL Incubator Pipette Set Centrifuge (Figure 2) Vortex Mixer Agarose Gel Figure 1 Figure 2 Bee Extraction: - Before PCR and gel electrophoresis, genetic material (DNA) needs to be extracted from bee samples. This typically involves techniques such as homogenization, where the bee sample (often a leg or a portion of the body) is crushed to release the DNA. Various extraction kits and protocols are available for this purpose Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): - PCR is a technique used to amplify specific regions of DNA. It allows researchers to make millions of copies of a particular DNA sequence, even if it's initially present in very small amounts. - The PCR process involves multiple temperature cycles, where the DNA is repeatedly heated and cooled to denature it (separate the strands), anneal primers (short DNA sequences that bind to the target region), and extend new DNA strands using a DNA polymerase enzyme. After PCR, the resulting DNA products can be analyzed using various techniques, including gel electrophoresis. Gel Electrophoresis: - In bee research, PCR products or DNA extracted from bees are loaded onto agarose or polyacrylamide gels alongside a DNA ladder for size comparison. The application of an electric current causes DNA fragments to migrate through the gel; smaller fragments move faster. Following electrophoresis, the gel is stained to visualize DNA bands under UV light. Researchers compare the band pattern with the DNA ladder to determine fragment sizes or identify specific genetic markers, providing insights into bee genetics and population dynamics. 2. 4. 6. RESULTS 3: BEE IDENTIFICATION Figure 5. Bee sample number 4 is shown on the left and the comparison species Apis Mellifera Ligustica is shown on the right. Both bees have a dark hairy thorax and an abdomen that transitions from a light brown to black. This match was determined via the BLASTN program using the extracted DNA sequence. Bee 4 was sequenced and ran through the BLASTN program. The sequence showed a 99.4% identity match with Apis Mellifera Ligustica, otherwise known as the Italian Honeybee. While the Italian Honeybee is not native to Indiana is is one of the most common honeybees used by beekeepers (Wood). CONCLUSIONS RESULTS 2: PCR, GEL ELECTROPHORESIS, AND DNA SEQUENCING In samples 1, 2, 5 and 6 the DNA got trapped in the wells, resulting in the bands not moving through the gel. For sample 3, no band formed at all. Finally, in sample 4, our band dropped, and was the clearest band of them all. When sample 4's band dropped, it traveled to the 3000 base pair line. We can confidently conclude that unknown Bee 4 belongs to the Apis Mellifera Ligustica species. The other 5 samples likely had issues during DNA extraction and PCR. Going forward we would improve the process by incubating our DNA longer to improve lysis. We would also repeat PCR and electrophoresis in order to increase the amount of DNA and hopefully see brighter bands further down the gel. This would in turn improve the DNA sequencing and allow us to draw conclusions about the other Bee species. LITERATURE CITED NCBI. (2024). BLAST: Basic Local Alignment Search Tool. Nih.gov. https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi Figure 3. These are our Gel results, after being ran through the gel processer. SHEFFIELD, C. S., HEBERT, P. D. N., KEVAN, P. G., & PACKER, L. (2009). DNA barcoding a regional bee (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) fauna and its potential for ecological studies. Molecular Ecology Resources, 9, 196207. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.17550998.2009.02645.x Trust, W. (2023, April 26). Why Are Bees Important? https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/blog/2023/04/why-are-beesimportant/#:~:text=Bees%20pollinate%20our%20wild%20trees - The Woodland Trust. Woodland Trust. Ancel, M. (2017). EcoLab at Marian University, Indianapolis, IN. Habitat for bees - the foundation for bee health. (n.d.). BeeSafe. Retrieved April 19, 2024, from https://bee-safe.eu/agriculturebiodiversity/habitat-for-bees/ What Are Italian Bees? Traits, Pros, And Cons Bee Professor. (2022, July 15). https://beeprofessor.com/what-are-italianbees/#:~:text=Characteristics%20of%20Italian%20bees%201%20Gentle%20nature%20Like ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Figure 4. DNA Sequencing Summary Successful and unsuccessful DNA sequences are shown. Only the third submission, bee sample 4, produced a successful sequence. The full sequence was made up of 652 successive nucleotide bases with a quality score of 56 Thank you to Dr. Sylvain for providing the Bee samples, Cameron Morgan for ordering supplies, and Dr. Justice for assisting during lab time. ...
- 创造者:
- Durnil, Ashley, Trerise, Joshua, and Garcia, Elaine
- 描述:
- The main idea of this project is to identify what species we have living in the Ecolab. We extracted DNA from several types of bees and put them through the PCR process and Gel Electrophoresis. We then prepared the DNA to send...
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- ... Using barcoding for species identification (Azaleas) Mariajose Carcamo Castro, Mariana Berdugo, Zoe Hogue College of Arts and Sciences, Marian University Indianapolis 3200 Cold Spring Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Introduction Acknowledgements Previous research on identification by DNA barcoding was focused on Rhododendron molle, or Chinese Azaleas. The purpose of the research done, was to conduct the barcoding identification towards the identification of Northern Azaleas, which are a rare find due to their specific condition requirements to plant (Yang et al, 2018). DNA barcoding was used because in most cases, morphology is used to differentiate between species increasing the likelihood of misclassification (Mohammed, 2017). During the research process, the research question to answer is: By using barcoding sequencing techniques, is it possible to successfully identify 6 of the North American Azalea species from their leaves? Materials and methods To obtain the DNA samples from the Azalea plants, we followed the protocol outlined in the DNeasy Plant Pro kit. The DNA extraction consists of 3 main steps: 1. Cell lysis. 2. DNA precipitation. 3. DNA purification. After multiple attempts, not enough DNA was successfully extracted due to the consistency of the Azalea plants tissue. To continue with the research, we used DNA samples that Dr. Justice provided. Next, after reading source 3, Yang et al, 2018, we figured out the primers that would work best for the Azalea samples specifically: rbcL, matK and psbA - trnH. Both rbcL and psbA - trnH had to be diluted to a 1: 10 ratio. Then, the primers were added to each DNA sample, the agarose gel was prepared and the PCR was set up to amplify the DNA samples following the settings in source 3, (Yang et al, 2018). Then, after the PCR went well, meaning it showed visibly identifying bands as shown in Figure 1, the samples were sent for DNA sequencing, a technique that allowed to determine the exact nucleotide sequence within the chosen sample. Finally, after getting the sequence files for each of the samples, they were typed into the NCBI Blast webpage to figure out the matches! Our group is thankful to Dr. Justice for providing us with Azalea DNA, and helping us through the whole process of the project. We are also thankful for Cameron Morgan, who took part in ordering our materials in a timely manner. Results After attempting to extract DNA from each of our Azalea species it was found that an insufficient amount of DNA was pulled from each sample, forcing pre-sampled DNA to be utilized to identify and further this experiment. Through running a PCR gel, it was found that 4 out of the 15 wells didnt contain enough DNA to visibly identify bands, which is shown in Figure 1. During sequencing, multiple DNA primers such as rbcL, matK, and psbA revealed the identification of the Rhododendron genus was found present within all samples as demonstrated in Figure 2. Through genetic sequencing of the specific DNA primers, it was found although each sample differentiated in primers they all were linked to the Rhododendron genus but did not effectively identify each samples species. Figure 1. PCR gel electrophoresis for Azalea samples Figure 2. matK primer B3 Blast sequencing results Conclusion After following all steps for treating the DNA samples, it was concluded that the selected primers are great choices for determining different aspects. psbA-trnH and rbcL were efficient in confirming all 5 plant samples belonged to the Rhododendron genus MatK primer was a great choice to determine they were American Azaleas. Overall, the 3 primers chosen are useful but not when it comes to determine the species of the samples. The main takeaway presented throughout identifying unknown azalea species would be multiple barcode primers must be used to specifically identify each species. Sources ...
- 创造者:
- Castro, Mariajose Carcamo, Berdugo, Mariana , and Hogue, Zoe
- 描述:
- Previous research on identification by DNA barcoding was focused on Rhododendron molle, or Chinese Azaleas. The purpose of the research done, was to conduct the barcoding identification towards the identification of Northern...
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- ... Metaphilosophy In The 20th Century Aidan Smith College of Arts and Sciences, Marian University Indianapolis 3200 Cold Spring Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46222 ABSTRACT REDUCTION OF PHILOSOPHY PHILOSOPHY AS QUESTIONING Metaphilosophy is the philosophical study of philosophy itself. In exploring the thoughts of four philosophers I came to three main conclusions: (1) Philosophy should not be reduced into a part of or a tool for another field, (2) There are errored thoughts or models and they can have negative effects on the world, and (3) Philosophy, fundamentally, seems to be some kind of questioning. Philosophy should not be reduced to a part of or a tool for another field. Philosophy seems to be some activity of questioning or exploring questions and their possible solutions. Similar to JPIIs thought it is autonomous, but not self-sufficient. All inquiries seem to start with base assumptions or presuppositions that philosophy can serve to question or explore. INTRODUCTION Philosophy in the early 20th century was marked by two things: (1) The ideological storms that influenced the conflicts of the World Wars and continued into the Cold War era, and (2) The attempts to reduce or invalidate philosophy as led by positivists and historicists. Dietrich Von Hildebrand: Hildebrand developed a Platonist Phenomenology that served to make all philosophical knowledge an apriori experience of an objects genuine essence. Pope John Paul II: JPII wrote on the relationship between Philosophy and Theology. He saw philosophy as autonomous but not self-sufficient. Borden Parker Bowne: Bowne describes a philosophy as a model of viewing the world constituted by personal notions. This starts with a common ground of experience and then we differ from one another in our personal interpretation. Isaiah Berlin: Berlin starts by distinguishing types of questions by the path taken to find the solution. This leads to three types of questions, empirical, formal, and philosophical. The nature of this autonomy and how philosophy should and can work on its own is a more complicated matter. Is it possible for philosophy to act separately from another field or is it just a way of exploring questions and some fields are dominantly philosophical? THE REALITY OF ERROR There are errored attitudes and models that can bring about a negative effect on the world. All inquiry seems to start with some sort of experience or intuition of or about the world. How it differs seems to me to be a combination of the models and attitudes that one already possesses. These models and attitudes are what can be in error. Von Hildebrand talks about how attitudes like distrust, resentment, pride, etc. can negatively effect how someone interprets fact. Berlin, Bowne, and JPII all talk about how ones model, lens, or category can affect their view of the world. Differing views of human nature can affect someone's inquiry into political or economic systems leading to conclusions that some see as errored. Historically there have been a great variety of answers to many philosophical questions and to try and say definitively that one has found the whole truth can be dangerous. CONCLUSION Exploring more deeply what philosophy is and how it can and should operate is an important task. It seeks to refine the way we talk about what we are actually doing in this field, and help for us to see when we have gone astray. Attempts in history to discredit or limit the scope of philosophy have failed due to the need for more complex thought beyond just the formal and empirical answers. Historically philosophy has a direct connection to political ideologies, economic systems, thoughts of right and wrong, and much more. It is hard to find a subject of intelligent thought that isnt connected at least in some part to philosophy. Due to philosophys profound importance to our world reflecting on what it is and what it is doing is a noble and necessary exercise as we continue to move forward. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dr. Joseph Gamache, PHD ...
- 创造者:
- Smith, Aidan
- 描述:
- Metaphilosophy is the philosophical study of philosophy itself. In exploring the thoughts of four philosophers I came to three main “conclusions”: (1) Philosophy should not be reduced into a part of or a tool for another field,...
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- ... Impact of Couple's Communication Styles on Relationship Strength and Satisfaction Gideon Brimmage, Bria Cottrell, Olivia Hernandez Marian University Dr. Amanda Egan Spring 2024 ABSTRACT This study aimed to explore how culture influences emotional expression and communication in romantic relationships and its effect on overall relationship satisfaction. Conducted as a comprehensive survey, participants from diverse cultural backgrounds were assessed for their emotional expression styles, communication preferences, and relationship satisfaction. Through quantitative analysis of survey data, the study sought to identify patterns and correlations between cultural backgrounds, emotional expression, communication styles, and relationship satisfaction, investigating their contributions to relationship dynamics. The study's findings offer valuable insights for couples, therapists, and educators on the interplay of culture, emotional expression, and communication in romantic relationships. It aims to inform culturally sensitive interventions to enhance relationship satisfaction across diverse settings. BACKGROUND This research study explores the relationship between culture, emotional expression, and communication within romantic relationships. Human interactions, especially in intimate relationships, are heavily influenced by cultural norms. These norms shape how individuals express emotions and communicate with their partners, ultimately impacting relationship satisfaction and success. METHODS - The study recruited 40 participants aged 18 or older currently in romantic relationships through random sampling. Relationship satisfaction was gauged using the Couples Satisfaction Index (CSI), Adult Attachment styles were assessed via the Experience in Close Relationships Scale, and Communication Styles were evaluated with the Communication Styles Inventory (CS). - Participants were briefed on the study's purpose and procedures via an introductory statement at the start of the Qualtrics-hosted online survey. The survey, taking 10-15 minutes to complete, gathered data on relationship satisfaction, strength, communication styles, and demographics of participants, their partners, and relationships. The study aimed to explore how cultural backgrounds influence relationship dynamics. RESULTS PREDICTIONS Couples with similar cultural backgrounds will demonstrate greater relationship resilience and cohesion compared to those from culturally dissimilar backgrounds. Shared cultural values and norms are expected to foster mutual understanding and harmony within relationships. Individuals in culturally similar relationships are predicted to report higher levels of relationship satisfaction compared to those in culturally dissimilar relationships, reflecting the potential role of cultural congruence in enhancing relationship well-being. RESULTS (CONT.) - Descriptive statistics revealed moderate levels of perceived similarity among partners (M = 4.33, SD = 2.19). Participants reported positive levels of happiness (M = 5.08, SD = 1.36), relationship satisfaction (M = 6.49, SD = 0.84), overall evaluation (M = 4.81, SD = 1.06), and relationship strength (M = 4.31, SD = 0.90). Correlation analyses showed positive associations between happiness, relationship satisfaction, overall evaluation, and perceived relationship strength with greater perceived similarity between partners. - The independent samples t-test supported Hypothesis 1, revealing a significant difference in happiness between culturally similar and dissimilar couples (t(36) = 2.089, p = 0.044). However, no significant differences were found in relationship satisfaction (t(37) = 1.743, p = 0.090), indicating partial support for Hypothesis 2. - The correlations also supported Hypothesis 3, suggesting positive associations between open emotional expression and relationship quality indicators. REFERENCES National Behavioral Care Group. (2017). Couple Satisfaction Index. Retrieved from https://nbcgutah.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Couple.Satisfaction.Index_-1.pdf NovoPsych. (n.d.). Experience in Close Relationship Scale Short Form (ECR-S). Retrieved from https://novopsych.com.au/assessments/formulation/experience-inclose-relationship-scale-short-form-ecr-s/ Primeast. (n.d.). Communication Styles Inventory. Retrieved from https://primeast.com/storage/media_library/2021/05/Communication-stylesinventory.pdf Graham, J. M. (2008). Congruence of satisfaction, harmony, and commitment and associated communication patterns in marital relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 25(2), 259278. https://doi.org/10.1177/0265407507086740 Feeney, J. A., & Noller, P. (1997). Attachment style as a predictor of adult romantic relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73(2), 321334. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.73.2.321\ ...
- 创造者:
- Brimmage, Gideon , Cottrell, Bria , and Hernandez, Olivia
- 描述:
- This study aimed to explore how culture influences emotional expression and communication in romantic relationships and its effect on overall relationship satisfaction. Conducted as a comprehensive survey, participants from...
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- ... Antimicrobial Activity of Ginger Brianne Leopold, Samantha Luttel, Madison Hahn, Paige Wilson College of Arts and Sciences, Marian University Indianapolis 3200 Cold Spring Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46222 INTRODUCTION RESULTS Ginger is a commonly used spice in foods and drinks worldwide and has also been known to be a natural disease-preventative since ancient times. Using ginger has been shown in previous studies to prevent microbial growth (Rahmani et al., 2014). The recent encouragement for the use of natural cleaning products has influenced this research project to test if ginger can be used as an effective cleaning agent. Natural cleaning products allow for a healthier environment by reducing chemical use. If ginger has antimicrobial properties, then we expect it will be an effective antimicrobial agent against Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). In the experiment, the ginger essential oil disks had an average zone of inhibition of 21.0 mm when tested against S. aureus and 18.3 mm when tested against E. coli. The Ciprofloxacin 5 g disk had an average zone of inhibition of 30.0 mm when tested against S. aureus and 26.5 mm when tested against E. coli. We hypothesized that ginger would be an effective antimicrobial agent against S. aureus and E. coli which was proven to be incorrect. Figure 1. Ginger essential oil. Image courtesy of https://www.healthline.com/health/gingeroil MATERIALS AND METHODS Create E.coli & S.aureus Broths DISCUSSION Disk S. aureus 1 E. coli 1 S. aureus 2 E. coli 2 Water 0 mm 0 mm CIP-5 25 mm 30 mm 25 mm 0 mm 0 mm 20 mm 18 mm 20 mm 15 mm Ginger EO-2 26 mm 24 mm 20 mm 13 mm Ginger EO-3 20 mm 24 mm 20 mm 16 mm 30 Zone of Inhibition (mm) 25 20 15 10 5 0 Water CIP-5 S. aureus Ginger EO average E. coli S. aureus was sensitive to ginger with a zone of inhibition of 21.0 mm. E. coli was intermediately sensitive to ginger with a zone of inhibition of 18.3 mm. S. aureus had zone of inhibition of 30.0 mm with ciprofloxacin. Ciprofloxacin had a zone of inhibition on 26.5 mm on E. coli. We deduced that ginger may not be an effective antimicrobial agent to include in cleaning supplies. Both E. coli and S. aureus had intermediate sensitivity to ginger FUTURE INVESTIGATION Figure 2. Measurements of the zone of inhibition for each plate. 2 of E. coli and 2 of S. aureus in (mm) a. 35 CONCLUSIONS 23 mm Ginger EO-1 Figure 5. Bar graph showing comparison of anti-microbial activity Antimicrobial Activity of Ginger The use of a second essential oil to amplify or supplement the possible antimicrobial effects of ginger. LITERATURE CITED b. Antimicrobial Activity of Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) and Its Application in Food Products: Food Reviews International: Vol 35, No 5, www.tandfonline .com/doi/full/10.1080/87559129.2019.1573829. Accessed 12 Mar. 2024. Inoculate Agar Using the Lawn Method Incubate at 37 Degrees for Five Days Author links open overlay panelA. Abdullahi a b, et al. Phytochemical Profiling and Antimicrobial Activity of Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) Essential Oils against Important Phytopathogens. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Elsevier, 29 Sept. 2020, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article /pii/S1878535220303658. Accessed 12 Mar. 2024. Measured the Zones of Inhibition Rahmani, Arshad H, et al. Active Ingredients of Ginger as Potential Candidates in the Prevention and Treatment of Diseases via Modulation of Biological Activities. International Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 12 July 2014, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4106649/. Accessed 12 Mar. 2024. c. Figure 3. a. is S. aureus 1, b. is S. aureus 2, c. is E. coli 1, and d. is E. coli 2 Disk Record & Analyze Results d. S. aureus E. coli Water 0 0 CIP-5 30 26.5 Ginger EO average 21 18.3 Figure 4. Average measurements of the zones of inhibition for each plate ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thank you so much to Mrs. Marciano and the College of Arts and Sciences for going above and beyond to make this possible! ...
- 创造者:
- Leopold, Brianne , Luttel, Samantha , Hahn, Madison , and Wilson, Paige
- 描述:
- Ginger is a commonly used spice in foods and drinks worldwide and has also been known to be a natural disease-preventative since ancient times. Using ginger has been shown in previous studies to prevent microbial growth...
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- Poster
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- ... The Impact of Resilience on Cultural Immersion During International Study Megan Bonfield & Michael Slavkin, Ph.D., LMHC College of Arts and Sciences, Marian University Indianapolis 3200 Cold Spring Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46222 ABSTRACT What influences some travelers to have powerful experiences studying abroad, while others struggle while immersing themselves in diverse cultures and communities? An examination of prior experiences and psychological dimensions of resilience were used to investigate whether some individuals traveling abroad have a greater disposition for managing stress and mood while abroad and following travel. INTRODUCTION Cultural immersion refers to the process of actively participating and engaging with another culture, allowing individuals to gain a deep understanding and appreciation of its customs, traditions, language, and overall way of life (Bennett, 1986). International travel provides unique opportunities for cultural immersion. One of the most prominent advantages is the exposure to diverse cultures, fostering a global perspective and intercultural competence. Living in a foreign country provides students with the opportunity to broaden their horizons, develop adaptability, and enhance language skills through immersive experiences. Additionally, studying abroad often leads to personal growth and increased self-confidence. Intercultural competence is about one being able to develop targeted knowledge, skills and attitudes that lead to visible behavior and communication that are both effective and appropriate in intercultural interactions (Deardoff, 2006, p. 242). Specifically, we postulated the following research question: What differences exist in levels of intercultural sensitivity for students who participate in study abroad compared to students who did not participate? MATERIALS AND METHODS 102 participants were involved in the study, and completed a survey including demographic questions, whether they had studied abroad, and if they have ever been diagnosed with a mental illness. A general measure of the impact of study abroad experiences was modified from the Wabash Study of Liberal Arts Travel Abroad Scale (Pascerella and Blaich, 2013). Participants also completed The Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA) (Friborg et al., 2003), a 37-item scale that measures resilience as healthy adaptation and personal competence during exposure to stress. Finally, the Ryff Scale of Measurement is a psychometric inventory consisting of 54 items that measures six aspects of psychological well-being (see Ryff and Keyes, 1995). FINDING 1 Results of basic analyses of variances showed no differences in professional growth from travel, openness to diversity, resiliency, or psychological well-being as a result of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual identity, or age. Level of language ability also did not show any impact on differences in dependent variables; however, individuals who showed expertise in language ability during their travel abroad did feel that their travel abroad was more impactful than those with limited language ability (F (4, 82) = 2.51, df = 0.05). Level of education did show significant differences in professional growth following travel, with individuals with higher levels of education (e.g., graduate work) showing higher growth than those with just undergraduate degrees (F (3, 87) = 2.81, df = 0.01). FINDING 2 Levels of resiliency were impacted by the psychological well-being of students (F (1,40) = 8.20, df = 0.001), but not professional growth or openness to diversity. Individuals who self-identified as having an anxiety disorder were less likely to demonstrate high resiliency as a result of travel abroad. Individuals who identified as being depressed, having an eating disorder, or an attention deficit did not show any changes in resiliency. It would appear that resiliency is mostly impacted by those who identify as being anxious or having some past trauma that impacts their ability to cope under novel and unique situations when traveling abroad. Figure 1. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):The Impact of Psyc hological Well Being on Levels of Resiliency Post Travel Abroad Experience. FINDING 3 A significant finding was that participants openness to diversity significantly impacted several reviewed factors. Specifically, students who showed high levels of openness to diversity were more likely to show high levels of resiliency (F (18, 69) = 3.88, df = 0.001). Further, individuals reported that travel abroad was more impactful if they had higher levels of openness to diversity (F (18, 67) = 3.67, df = 0.001). Figure 2. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): Impact of Openness to Diversity on Resiliency and Travel Abroad Experiences. CONCLUSIONS Participants: Total: 102 Experimental Group: 17 males, 84 females Demographics: Caucasian: 76% African American: 9% Asian-American: 2% Multiracial: 6% Hispanic: 9% Sexual Identity: Heterosexual: 87% Age Average: Early 20s (22 years old) Previous Mental Illness: Diagnosed: 50% Depression/Mood disorders: 22% Anxiety disorders: 14% Attention deficit disorder: 7% Eating disorder or sleep disorder: 3% Travel Experience: Abroad: 70% Undergraduate travel: 32% Once: 25% Twice: 15% Three or more times: 33% Native language country: 15% Language course: 25% Limited/no language ability: 50% Impact of Variables: Gender, race, ethnicity, sexual identity, age: No significant differences Language ability: Limited impact, except for those with expertise feeling more impactful travel Education level: Higher education associated with higher professional growth Resiliency: Affected by psychological well-being, particularly anxiety disorders Openness to diversity: Positively correlated with resiliency and perceived impact of travel abroad LITERATURE CITED Bennett, M.J. (1986). Towards a developmental model of intercultural sensitivity In R. Michael Paige (Ed.) Education for the Intercultural Experience. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 10(2), 179-195. Brown, A., & Smith, B. (2020). The impact of cultural immersion on intercultural skill development. Journal of Intercultural Communication, 5(2), 17-28. Connor, K. M., & Davidson, J. R. (2003). Development of a new resilience scale: The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). Depression and Anxiety, 18(2), 76-82. Davydov, D. M., Stewart, R., Ritchie, K., & Chaudieu, I. (2010). Resilience and mental health.Clinical Psychology Review, 30(5), 479-495. Deardoff, D.K. (2006). The development model of intercultural sensibility. Journal of Studies in International Education 10, 241-266. Friborg, O., Hjemdal, O., Rosenvinge, J., & Martinussen, M. (2003). A new rating scale for adult resilience: What are the central protective resources behind healthy adjustment? International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 12(2), 65-76. Jones, L. W. (2019). Cultural immersion through international travel: An exploration of transformative experiences. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 17(5), 517-533. Paige, R.M. (1993). Theory of Reflections: Intensity Factors in Intercultural Experiences. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press. Pascarella, E.T., & Blaich, C. (2013). Lessons from the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 45(2), htps://doi.org/10.1080/00091383.2013.764257. Roberts, D., & Johnson, C. (2017). Cultural immersion and personal growth: A qualitative study of international travel experiences. Journal of Travel Research, 52(2), 194-206. Ryff, C. D. (1989). Psychological Well-Being Scale [Database record]. APA PsycTests. https://doi.org/10.1037/t04262-000. Ryff, C. D., & Keyes, C. L. M. (1995). The structure of psychological well-being revisited. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69(4), 719727. Smith, B. A. (2018). The significance of cultural immersion in international travel. Journal of Global Tourism Studies, 5(3), 132-149. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Special thanks to Dr. Slavkin in guiding me in this research study and special thanks to all those who participated ...
- 创造者:
- Bonfield, Megan and Slavkin, Michael
- 描述:
- What influences some travelers to have powerful experiences studying abroad, while others struggle while immersing themselves in diverse cultures and communities? An examination of prior experiences and psychological dimensions...
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- ... Investigating Chloroplast Relatedness in Eastern Red Cedar Abner Chen, Isaac Masquelier and Samuel Countryman College of Arts and Sciences, Marian University Indianapolis 3200 Cold Spring Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46222 ABSTRACT The process of photosynthesis is largely attributed to the role of the chloroplast. Due to this fact--moreover the importance of photosynthesis--chloroplast DNA is highly conserved. We examined the differences in chloroplast DNA between geographically isolated species of Eastern Red Cedar, an abundant tree species in Indiana. 3 samples of Eastern Red Cedar were taken from two different locations: the Marian Eco Lab and Southwest Way Park. To test variation, we conducted PCR on the intergenomic spacer between the psbA and trnH primers and analyzed their variance. More variance will indicate more genetic difference. If those nearby exhibit less difference than with those far away, this could possibly be attributed to the method of reproduction being maternal (through pine cones instead of pollen). The psbA and trnH primers were selected due to their higher success rate in the barcoding procedure as well as their high discrimination rate which would allow us to both confirm species identity as well as deduce variability. INTRODUCTION Barcoding is a common technique used by biologists to determine the genetic makeup of an organism. Similarities in barcodes indicate similarities or sameness in species identity and can be further analyzed to observe intraspecies relatedness. Certain segments of DNA are known to be preserved more than others, and thus differences between different segments indicate relatedness based on how preserved that segment is. The method by which Eastern Red Cedars reproduce should cause chloroplast DNA to stay relatively isolated to a region, given that said DNA is located solely in the pinecones, not the more traversable pollen. We also expect the chloroplast DNA to not have extreme variation between the isolated groups due to the highly conserved nature of chloroplast DNA. We chose the psbA-trnH DNA sequence due to it having the highest discrimination rate among the most popular plant barcodes potentially giving us more genetic variation. Through examination of the genome, we can determine the validity of this hypothesis, specifically in our species. If the hypothesis stands, it could prove useful in understanding patterns of susceptibility to metabolic illness or abnormalities. (Download Diagram Showing Chloroplast in Plant Leaf for Free, n.d.) MATERIALS AND METHODS EXPLANATION DNA Extraction: Pinecones collected from Marian Eco Lab and Southwest Way Park. Plant Dneasy Kit and corresponding procedure were used to extract DNA from samples PCR: Used primer psbA-trnH to amplify this intergenomic space. Gel electrophoresis was conducted as to determine the success of PCR DNA fragments sent off to GENEWIZ to be sequenced PCR AND GEL The two samples lit up in image one are test tube 4 of psba(from the Southwestway parkright) and test tube 2 of psba (from the Marian Eco Lableft). The sample lit up in image 2 is from PCR of test tube 5 of psba, and is from Southwestway park. BARCODING RESULTS Qualitative observation and use of app iNaturalist indicate the samples as of species Juniperus Virginiana. Sampling confirmed samples as of the family Juniper. The data support the hypothesis that individuals share more chloroplast similarity to those nearby than to those geographically isolated. This data gives insight on how certain metabolic traits my become isolated to a regiongood or badincluding susceptibility or resistance to disease or ability to survive in certain environmental conditions. Put simply, evolution should happen in a relatively isolated manner in regards to certain metabolic functions. FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS In future experiments, one ought to test more genomic regions as to have a fuller barcoding data pool to extrapolate from. Also, one ought to test and compare the nuclear DNA of isolated groups of the same species as to see how much of an impact the method of heredity impacts sequence differences (as pollen, being more traversable but lacking chloroplast DNA, would, in theory, cause nuclear DNA to be much more uniform between isolated members than chloroplast) compared to the simple fact of their isolation. LITERATURE CITED 1. DNA Learning Center Barcoding 101. (n.d.). Dnabarcoding101.org. https://dnabarcoding101.org/about/ Yan, L.-J., Liu, J., Mller, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, X.-M., Li, D.-Z., & Gao, L.-M. (2014). DNA barcoding ofRhododendron(Ericaceae), the largest Chinese plant genus in biodiversity hotspots of the HimalayaHengduan Mountains. Molecular Ecology Resources, 15(4), 932944. https://doi.org/10.1111/17550998.12353 Download Diagram showing chloroplast in plant leaf for free. (n.d.). Vecteezy. https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/372957-diagram-showing-chloroplast-in-plant-leaf ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Marian University EcoLab access to samples Cameron Morgan Ordering Supplies Dr. Justice-PCR Assistance ...
- 创造者:
- Chen, Abner, Masquelier, Isaac, and Countryman, Samuel
- 描述:
- The process of photosynthesis is largely attributed to the role of the chloroplast. Due to this fact--moreover the importance of photosynthesis--chloroplast DNA is highly conserved. We examined the differences in chloroplast...
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- ... Neuroticism, Critical Thinking, and Self-Awareness Sandra Maria D. Culligan Dr. Jeff Kellogg Abstract This study looked at the correlations between neuroticism, self-awareness, and critical thinking from the theoretical framework of Rogers's Self Theory and Eyesencks Theory of Extraversion and Neuroticism (F. Vingoe, 1968) and The Metacognitive Relationship of Self-awareness and Critical Thinking (Akcaolu, et al., 2023). The former study stated that people with higher neuroticism are less self-aware, and the latter concluded that those who are more self-aware are better at critical thinking. Therefore, putting the two theories together, it was hypothesized that those who score higher in neuroticism would score lower in critical thinking due to the lack of self-awareness. The study used a Qualtrics online questionnaire to gather data and was analyzed using Pearsons R value correlation and a two-t test to analyze results. Background/Terminology The above section details the foundational literature in the creation of this study. Taking said theories it is important to dene the terms used in this study. Rogers Self Theory, is broken down into two parts being Self-aware is the ability to notice ones own actions and its eect on self and others. Self-regulation: The ability to control ones actions to match desired eect found during introspection. Eysencks Extraversion and Neuroticism: The Big 5 Personality characteristics where Extraversion is dened by ones outer alignment towards the outer world (APA 2024) and Neuroticism is dened as chronic mental and emotional level towards psychological distress (APA 2024). Finally in this study Critical Thinking refers to the ability to logicaly reason and come to rational answers of proposed solutions. References Akcaolu, Mustafa ztrk, Ezgi Mor Dirlik, and Erkan Kleki. 2022. The Mediating Role of Metacognitive Awareness in the Relationship between Critical Thinking and Self-Regulation. Thinking Skills and Creativity, November, 101187. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2022.101187. MARNI, Silvia, Muhammad ALIMAN, SUYONO ROEKHAN, and Titik HARSIATI. 2020. Students Critical Thinking Skills Based on Gender and Knowledge Group. Turkish Journal of Science Education 17 (4): 54460. doi:https://doi.org/10.36681/tused.2020.44. Vingoe, Frank J. 1968. Rogers Self Theory and Eysencks Extraversion and Neuroticism. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 32 (5, Pt.1): 61820. doi:https://doi.org/10.1037/h0026253. Predictions Hypothesis 1: Individuals with a higher nuroticim score will score lower in critical thinking. Hypothesis 2: Individuals who score higher in critical thinking will be more self aware. Hypothesis 3: Individuals who are self aware will score lower in critical thinking. Results Methods A Qualtrics questionnaire was used to gather data about an individual's Neuroticism score in the form of a personality test, a critical thinking exercise, and a self awareness test. Majority were white females and 56 resources were collected, after clean up 50 were used. Discriptives ...
- 创造者:
- Culligan, Sandra Maria D. and Kellogg, Jeff
- 描述:
- This study looked at the correlations between neuroticism, self-awareness, and critical thinking from the theoretical framework of Rogers's Self Theory and Eyesenck’s Theory of Extraversion and Neuroticism (F. Vingoe, 1968) and...
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- ... Pet Attachment, Psychological Ownership, and Death Anxiety Sandra Maria D. Culligan Dr. Amanda C. Egan Abstract Animals are very impactful in human flourishing. This study looked at psychological ownership to further past research, attachment styles to see if pets help teach humans how to form better attachment among themselves, and it looked at death anxity and if witnessing a pet pass and/or age contributed to an individual's personal fear of death and view on ageing. The study concluded that there is a correlation with pet attachment and psychological ownership, the age of their pet and personal fear of death, and a slight correlation between pet attachment and human attachment. Background This study was done in leue of three subsequent studies. The first looked at phone use and psychological ownership (Egan, 2016) and expanding on that research this study wanted to see if psychological ownership could be applied to living things aswell as objects. The second study looked at the process of healing after the loss of a pet and the emotional tole it takes on individuals (Brown, Symons,. 2016). This hardship lead us to investigate the aide and implication of experiencing a pet die the fear of death and outlooks twards ageing. The third foundational study looked at the roll of attachment in Pet loss and it made me wonder how pet loss can aide in human attachment and human loss (Field, et al., 2009). The three studies and our questions are important to future literature because of the lack of foindatioal research out there, making this study an important stepping stone for further exploration. Vocabulary Psychological Ownership: The feeling of possessing or applying ime to an object or animal. Attachment Style: Used to indicate positive or negative bond between individual and others. Death Anxiety: Negative emotions including fear relating to ones own death or mortality. Ageism: Negative stigma towards ageing for oneself or others. Predictions Results Hypothesis 1: Individuals with poor attachment style to humans will be more positively attached to pets. Hypothesis 2: Individuals who are strongly attached to their pet will also have strong psychological ownership over their pet. Hypothesis 3: Witnessing a pet age and pass decreases agisim and fear of death. Methods Qualtrics study used to understand the correlations between pet attachment, death anxiety, pet ownership, and individual attachment to others. An independent sample T-Test and correlation Pearson r-values were run using JASP. 62 responses collected and after clean up 48 were used. Majority were white females aged 21. Discriptives Discussion The findings of this study conclude that there can be a psychological ownership with a living creature this could follow up to individuals who parent with an authoritarian style and their views of their children to see if they feel a feeling of psychological ownership over them and if those feelings can be reduced then maybe a more gentle style could be adopted. The study should also be done with a greater sample size and more varied individuals and pets. References My Pet has Passed: Relations of Adult Attachment Styles and Current Feelings of Grief and Trauma After the Event (Brown, Symons,. 2016) Emotional Work of Coping with the Death of an Animal (McKinney, 2019) manda Christine Egan. 2016. The Psychological Impact of Smartphones: The Effect of Access to Ones Smartphone on Psychological Power, Risk Taking, Cheating, and Moral Orientation. Loyola University Chicago ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, no. 10193380 (January). ...
- 创造者:
- Culligan, Sandra Maria D. and Egan, Amanda C.
- 描述:
- Animals are very impactful in human flourishing. This study looked at psychological ownership to further past research, attachment styles to see if pets help teach humans how to form better attachment among themselves, and it...
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