PICOT - “What is the effect of a micro-learning staff intervention on patient temperatures compared to pre intervention patient temperatures for patients ages 18-65 in an urban outpatient surgical setting?”
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a prevalent sleep disorder that
typically arises when the muscles responsible for regulating the
upper airway excessively relax, ultimately causing narrowing or
constriction of the...
Malhi, Jaipal , Lex, Jake , Hodges, Angela , Khan, Z., Francois, Chaina , and Akbar, Samina
Antibiotic resistant (AR) bacteria pose a serious threat to an individual’s health, and the presence of AR genes can lead to the development of “superbugs” that are resistant to currently used antibiotics. Identifying local...
Gedde, Claryce , Thibodaux, L., Orr, Ashley , Wikel, K., Reisinger, D., and Curtin, Michelle
Given disparities in medical and educational services, our study aimed to compare the current school supports in place and recommended supports for students with SCD (sickle cell disease) and CF (cystic fibrosis).
The DNP project aimed to: assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention focused on improving patient knowledge and receptiveness of making necessary diet and exercise changes during their semaglutide treatment...
GnRHR signaling has been demonstrated to affect cancer cell proliferation. The expression of GnRH binding sites in leukemias and lymphomas provides a potential target for chemotherapeutic drugs. Analyzing the effect of GnRHR...
Antibiotic resistance has remained a topic of concern, and most current treatments prioritize preventing infections from antibiotic resistant pathogens. Hence, finding new antimicrobial compounds to suppress or rid of pathogens...
Asad, Ismail , Tippins, N., Tachibana, I., Bahler, C., Green, M., and Tann, M.
Introduction and Objective:
Accurate prediction of extraprostatic extension (EPE) can guide surgical treatment planning and maximize quality of life outcomes. We sought to analyze clinical and PSMA- PET CT EPE...
Myers, Nicholas A., Marker, D., Shah, K., Payner, T., and Kulwin, C.
Papillary glioneuronal tumors (PGNTs) are rare, benign neoplasms that are typically solid or solid/cystic, well-circumscribed, parenchymal, solitary, and calcify. While intraventricular location, tumoral hemorrhage, and/or...