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- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... Joe Doyle 2 Fioretti Ta6Ce Of Contents Up & Down Kurt Cfeeter Fringe Dyfan Roahrig Clerihews Mark Ha ...... grammatically correct, it did illustrate how people think about "up" and "down." There can be no dispute that ...... others, but in my head a heCCisfi music. ALert am I to its caU, thou9h findin9 it Cess jra9rant, I no ...... Conger sense the presence, on its breath, of perfume. No more does it pass throu9h the hair of youn9 ...... appeaCin9 and jra9rant, forcin9 me forward, its true nature to hear. I cCaw my eyes, no Conger seein9 the ...
- Schöpfer:
- Marian University
- Ressourcentyp:
- Book
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... Peryermenias I, lec. 2 (Opera Omnia, vol. 1*/1, ed. R.A. Gauthier, Rome, 1989, 9-13). For Scotus, see ...... Including the Modistae, in Handbook of the History of Logic, vol. 2: Mediaeval and Renaissance Logic, ed ...... ; reprint Frankfurt, 1967, vol. 2, 173a-b). Hervaeus Natalis gives a sampling of certain and doubtful based ...... . 1288-ca. 1328)2 and Nicholas Bonet (ca. 1280-1343).3 As would be expected, an argument that Scotists ...... Ghent and Duns Scotus, in Routledge History of Philosophy, vol. 3: Medieval Philosophy, ed. J. Marenbon ...
- Schöpfer:
- D'Ettore, Domenic
- Beschreibung:
- This article considers the attempt by a prominent fifteenth-century follower of Thomas Aquinas, Dominic of Flanders (a.k.a. Flandrensis, 1425-1479), to address John Duns Scotus’ most famous argument for the univocity of being....
- Ressourcentyp:
- Article
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... Collegiate Press Catholic School Press Association Vol. XII Subscription $1.25 No. 2 Editor-in-chief Mary ...... THE Vol. XH PHOENIX Marian College, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 2 3 , 1948 Orientation Workshop ...... purchased with the last monetary gifts or donated through the final gifts-in-kind drive. No. 2 Cathedral to ...... ., 1:00 p. m., 2:00 p. m. S-F Program Formed A program for interesting Catholic students in attending ...... . m.Christmas Vacation. Page 2 November 2 3 , 1948 THE PHOENIX Wondering Of Jan Opetal Who Died for a Cause Of ...
- Schöpfer:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
- Ressourcentyp:
- Newspaper
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... convention Oct. 26. PHOENIX Marian College, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 15, 1950 No. 2 Harvest Hop ...... cooperating with the NFCCS in its decent literature campaign. THE Vol. XIV Potato Dance, Auction Bid Fair for ...... campus to contribute to the support of our refugee students. OSP units of those campuses who have no ...... guaranteed a good time. See you there! Mary Morin Indianapolis, Rose Capital for 2 Days Richmond, World ...... women are running things anyway, aren't they?" But Mickey Miller, '51, felt that as a general rule ...
- Schöpfer:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
- Ressourcentyp:
- Newspaper
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... Fioretti: ~ioretti winter 1992 A Literary Anthology volume 51, number 1 1992-1993 Marian College ...... were coaching. Here we go, no more time for chit-chat. The game's on the line now." "Here we go folks ...... north; no, 1 got that wrong, it is down south. Yes, 1 am sure that it is south. Yes, 1 am sure that it ...... sound besides those damn machines whirring and beeping. "No honey, I don't hear them," you say. You ...... counter, there was no one around. I rang the service bell on the counter, and when no one appeared, I rang ...
- Schöpfer:
- Marian University
- Ressourcentyp:
- Book
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... lives of unusually gifted, sensitive individuals. Vol. XXVIII No. 6 Marian College, Indianapolis ...... Collegiate Press Association VOL. XXVII Co-editors Pago editors April 2, 1965 who attends a non-public school ...... , Indiana April 2, 1965 Choristers Join Natl Leaders To Address College Festival English Teachers Convention ...... , and Sr. Margaret Ann. Page 2 oLjeuin THE MARIAN PHOENIX id l^onQuereu Footnotes of Freedom March ...... chairmen, each as self-appointed and unrelenting as the undecorating committee members have been. No ...
- Schöpfer:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
- Ressourcentyp:
- Newspaper
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... Environmental Chemistry, vol 91. Springer, Cham. 2. Ash RJ., Mauck B ...... Evaluation of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria of White River Waterways: Kirby-Bauer Assays (#2 ...... : Figure 2: Kirby-Bauer Assays of ATCC E.coli control 1. Manaia CM, Graham D., Topp E., Martinez JL ...
- Schöpfer:
- Carrasco, Alejandro J. OMS-2, Akbar, Samina PhD, and Johnson, Brooklynne OMS-2
- Beschreibung:
- Antibiotic resistance is not only a major threat to public health, with more than 700,000 deaths per year, but also has serious economic impacts.1 Nosocomial- acquired antibiotic-resistant infections have well-established...
- Ressourcentyp:
- Poster
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... Vol. XVII Marian College, Indianapolis, Indiana N o v e m b e r 2 5 , 1 9 5 3 No. 2 ec. 8. to ...... $1.50 Vol. XVII Editor Assistant No. 2 Jane Brady Editors Judy Rahe Carolyn Zapp, Ann Herber Reporters ...... Judith Ann, St. Therese school; Janice Gaughan, '53, Indianapolis Public School No. 10; Suzann Reith, '51 ...... believe that it can be done. The three-fold purpose of the CSMC is: (1) prayer, (2) work, and (3) study ...... chastise her the harder." Marriage took place between very young children. Even the church could say no ...
- Schöpfer:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
- Ressourcentyp:
- Newspaper
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... $ 1 . 2 5 Vol. XIII No. 2 Editor-in-Chief Barbara Hipp, '50 Associate Editor Betty Kennedy, '52 ...... THE Vol. XIII PHOENIX Marian College, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 2 8 , 1 9 4 9 Students ...... , Three English Queens, a presentation highlighting events in the (Continued on Page 3) No. 2 Preluding ...... work is not art, not real nor life-like. "There is no Catholic theater, there is just the theater ...... . Marian college fair, project of the freshman class, will be held Dec. 2 from 7 to 12 p. m. in the ...
- Schöpfer:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
- Ressourcentyp:
- Newspaper
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... Collegiate -^N^V^ Press oylmX*?Catholic School Press '^jyjTHftfk'^ Association PRESS Vol. X I X No. 2 Editor ...... Judy O'Connor. No. 2 Late or Absent? Note Rule Again Many students are confused on the procedure of ...... 1956 Who's Who Honors 6 Seniors, 2 Juniors Yearbook Makes Debut Under Junior Juniors Choose B. Dunn ...... Sponsorship T H E PHOEXIX VoL XIX Freshmen, Ballot for Marian. College, Indianapolis, Indiana, N o v e m b e r ...... which no form is filled out within a reasonable time, is interpreted as unexcused. NFCCS Workshop ...
- Schöpfer:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
- Ressourcentyp:
- Newspaper