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- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... 25 3 TAS1R3 2 CTSK 20 F o ld C h a n g e 15 10 1 -actin 5 0 L o K N A RANKL R A R C N o K n L tr + l ...... -Actin 14.83.523 12.882.921 0.6956 8 3 2 1 - + 6 4 2 0 0 1 0 m D 0 C 1 B m M M S S a C cc o h n a tr ri o ...... Nutrient sensing by Tas1R proteins is required for normal bone resorption Nicholas 1 Weinstein ...... , Michael 1 Eaton , Stephen 1 Shively , Hannah 2 Davis , Lilian 2 Plotkin , Jonathan W. Lowery 1 1Division ...... o tr n o C + l 0 7.6210.9471 8.3581.009 0.6226 A BG pERK1/2 16.032.427 15.882.127 16.072.767 0.3344 ...
- Schöpfer:
- Shively, Stephen, Davis, Hannah M, Weinstein, Nicholas, Eaton, Michael, Plotkin, Lillian, and Lowery, Jonathan
- Beschreibung:
- Current therapies for low bone mass consist of inhibiting osteoclast activity or increasing the PTH or Wnt signaling pathways. These approaches have significant drawbacks that limit their use in specific patient populations...
- Ressourcentyp:
- poster
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... thrombospondin-1 expression CL Doci, G Zhou and MW Lingen Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) is an endogenous inhibitor of ...... angiogenesis whose expression suppresses tumor growth in vivo. Like many angiogenesis-related genes, TSP-1 ...... an antiangiogenic phenotype and suppresses tumor growth, in part through upregulation of TSP-1. Here ...... machinery and specically interacts with TSP-1 mRNA through its 30 UTR. Reintroduction of NOL7 into SiHa ...... cells increases luciferase expression through interaction with the TSP-1 30 UTR at both the mRNA and ...
- Schöpfer:
- Zhou, G., Doci, Colleen L., and Lingen, M.W.
- Beschreibung:
- Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) is an endogenous inhibitor of angiogenesis whose expression suppresses tumor growth in vivo. Like many angiogenesis-related genes, TSP-1 expression is tightly controlled by various mechanisms, but there...
- Ressourcentyp:
- Article
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... the first Lime in the 1969-70 academic y~r tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. On the agenda for the meeting arc the ...... Wolf Pack (1-1) against the Intra mural team (0- 2). The first of five defensive battles of the day ...... their 14-0 defeat of the K.K.K. (1-1). Eeumenica.l Round Table, Rm. 315, 2:30; ero. Country- Bel ...... GM1iS ~,UFON ~\.)E.~r:- OCTOBER 7, 1969 1AR1.\.:\' COLLEGE PHOE 'IX P \CF -1 Rathskeller Goes ...... . (Continued on page 4) Marian College VOLUME 34 N lBER 1 Angie Taylor , herry H.athz, and Roberta Donahue enjo ...
- Schöpfer:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
- Ressourcentyp:
- Newspaper
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... - ..... , '. ~. If . "."I.~'I " ~ , ',r~~~i ., I ).. ,; .., ...!t.' : ..,1' ::." I, Fall 1969 Vol. XXVIII No. 1 ...... "Trivia"? / Kevin Cassidy 24 Book Review / Michael Quinn 1 Cover Designs - Paulo Recko, Front David ...... ! 0. . . Humanness is too comPlicated, 'too fine.t ( with ironic, confusing si~ to be. CP~ cemed 'with ...... ! make me an Instrument ," 7 . - ~ Q~UP 'PUlno ) ,~ 0....... . ~~r ~ vernier eo-or: I' ...~ gun . VIO III ...... ,~~ ---'i Jlel/ei/ '-. ,ee , tiurn~~~:""e" \; 8en~_ ' -'-pel " of yourounnytheirhisher..; yonesomeone's ...
- Schöpfer:
- Marian University
- Ressourcentyp:
- Book
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... ) " -Ftoretti ) , - / ~ \" I 'I Th,e Marian College ~'.1.agazLlne G " j f / Summer 1969 ...... enclosing $ .. ........ ..... .. ( U . S. f unds ) for the period , : checked . 0 1 year $13 0 !) mos. $9.75 ...... .. .. .......... .......... State .... ........... Zip... ..... .... : 1 0 College student . ... .. Year of graduation ...... ?" . '"What were they doing?~' ~, It WqS 1 :00 when we stood here last"Fishing . .. please help me." "Fisbing ...... \, \ ~ ;- '" ~ \ I J , "(" \ t r(, \ r !. ~ ! ) 7 , 1 , /< l' 'fy. 1 / -'I (r~ \ I )' 1/ "- i f (1'" '\ , '\ r ...
- Schöpfer:
- Marian University
- Ressourcentyp:
- Book
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... "cold"medi,a is thatone imiolves ! , -~ ~ \ a /~. . 0 / '-c 1'\ ~ " /" f ) oJ ( 2 , -' \ _ r a ...... ' eldlesslyembraced by t,he-garlanded crucifiecr /- we turn (0 goldft." imageJ Jerusalem! /1 windirlg a million years ...... aleikum!,--_ -=--- '",,~ ) r , .J - I... \ .,1 r ~ - , r / J \, hi - / J ) 0 I j Suzanne Harding -J ...... ,kissed on ' a sroJny,. &po.t, twice. , ~) , -::-:,angie deluna / r ( -0, ~ . ~ \' / f- 1 ...... ' - circuitry is an exle __ - sion 01-speech~ touch and smell l(Jcuities. \ , \ ~ \ \. 1-0 Nothing is untouched ...
- Schöpfer:
- Marian University
- Ressourcentyp:
- Book
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... conceited and who is Seagram 7+1 2-1 AM/FM Solid State 0-2 willing to blow her mind once a week to get an ...... Professional Stud. 0-3 by a broken gumbal 1 machine (t h:: kind that takes Screwdrivers 0-3 (cont. p. 3) ...3 ...... NO JOK(E) II "'A few potent."* Marian fforetti fal 1 1968 S'uch w~ the ''Emanci p~tfon Procl ...... amati ontt' of the " 'new't a-nd 1 ong overdue fi orettj, as it hit the Marian newsstands this week. Its ...... the picture) and past connos.e urs of the pubHcation gasped, 1'\tlhat have they done to ~ magazine ...
- Schöpfer:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
- Ressourcentyp:
- Newspaper and Periodical
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 16 at 1:30 and 8:00 p.m. ~~~~o~ ~! 1m Series Flne F1 the differences ...... Play Festival, Marian Hall Auditorium. Jan.28-- Basketball at Manchester Feb.1-2-- 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m ...... the nation, a position which Marian has maintained for four years. Tw e 1 v e outstanding ACS groups ...... its own region a 1 responsibilities. Current plans also indicate a potential worthy of note. On Feb. 6 ...... , Dr. D.L. Griffith of Case-Western Reserve, C 1e v e 1 and, will discuss "Elimination Reactions." The ...
- Schöpfer:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
- Ressourcentyp:
- Newspaper
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... diamond ring as --0:f{'!1~/l young and vibrant as your love. $175 to $1995. .___&_Yo_:a_'"_:_e:_h ...... hich 1,orkl'd "itlt tlw admiui,lratir:>n on the turricul111n. \ l \larian sht' i:c- a nwrnlwr of tl11 ...... t pay $1 for every $12.50 that is allocated to its tudents. Thi program is limited only by l ...... , freshman; and .\a11cy Perkin . , fresl1man. ..I . ac 0' ara , critiques players, Robert Moran and Melanie ...... .' Evening fll<:ACT is sponsoring a ~pl'aker from the John ~irl:11 8ol'il'ly, Thursday al 8:00 p.m. in tlt1 ...
- Schöpfer:
- Marian University - Indianapolis
- Ressourcentyp:
- Newspaper
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... -eutherian animal (0/136). We also identified multiple conserved transcription factor binding sites in the ...... are conserved as early as sponges [2]. PLOS ONE | 1 February 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 2 ...... , genomic fragments contained the first 63 nt of Bmp3 exon 1 in order to include the annotated Bmp3 ...... annotated transcription start site of M. musculus Bmp3 (Figure 1). Within this region, there are two large ...... | Issue 2 | e57840 Identification of a Bmp3 ECR in Mammals Figure 1. Conservation of the genomic region ...
- Schöpfer:
- LaVigne, AW, Kokabu, S, Lowery, Jonathan W., and Rosen, V.
- Beschreibung:
- The Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) pathway is a multi-member signaling cascade whose basic components are found in all animals. One member, BMP3, which arose more recently in evolution and is found only in deuterostomes,...
- Ressourcentyp:
- Article