This item is a mapping of study sites indicated by the Minnesota Environmental Sciences Foundation in their survey of the wetlands preserve at Marian College, now titled the Nina Mason Pulliam Ecolab.
This is an architectural drawing by famed landscape architect and conservationist Jens Jensen, concerning the detailed planting plan for the garden area at the estate of James Allison, now Allison Mansion at Marian University,...
Hennepin Loam, This item is a soil survey of the Wetlands Ecological Laboratory, now titled the Nina Mason Pulliam Ecolab. Soils listed include:Filled Land, Genesee Silt Loam, Miami Clay Loam, and Sloan Silt Loam
This drawing is on heavy brown paper. The various rooms are labeled and the various types of wood to be used are indicated. The rooms shown are the Dining Room and Breakfast Room. The patterns of the wood floors are drawn and...
This is a blueprint drawing (blue background with white lines) of the swimming pool area in the basement of the Allison Mansion. It shows the pool, women's shower room & locker room, and the men's shower room & locker room. The...
This is a general vegetation survey of the Ecolab wetlands, now titled the Nina Mason Pulliam Ecolab. Vegetation types and areas include: Hardwood Forest, Prairie, Lowland Meadow, Mowed Grass, Lowland Forest, Young Hardwood...
This is a blueprint drawing (blue background with white lines) of the front of Allison Mansion. It has no scale. A note in the bottom right says "511-1." A note on the back says "Library (Allison Residence); Architect-Herbert...