

681. The Clinical Conscience Support Tool

682. Role of a Transient Receptor Potential Channels in Marfan Syndrome-induced Aortopathy and Cardiomyopathy

683. Sliding Arch Aortoplasty with Continuous Coronary Perfusion for Aortic Arch Hypoplasia Beyond Infancy

684. Bovine arch anatomy influences recoarctation rates in the era of the extended end-to-end anastomosis.

685. Mouse Model of Marfan Syndrome Accelerates Aneurysmal Formation through Well-Characterized TGF-? Signaling Pathways

686. Automated Suturing For Pacemaker Lead Placement Via Video Guided Minimally Invasive Surgical Access

687. Bovine Aortic Arch Shortens Available Clamping Distance for Extended End-to-End Repair of Infant Coarctation of the Aorta

688. Novel Methods and Considerations for Addressing Aortic Arch Hypoplasia and Coarctation

689. Diagnosing a GIST and Deviating from Tradition: A Case Study

690. A method to switch from oral dopamine agonists to rotigotine in patients with restless legs syndrome and mild augmentation.