

591. Antagonism Between Bone Morphogenetic Protein and Activin Signaling Pathways in Osteoprogenitor Cells

592. 3D Printing Phone Case Orbs to Bend Light as a Geospatial Fitness Incentive

593. Investigating the Novel Redox Active Thioredoxin-like Protein (PbTrxL-1) of the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium

594. Effects of Aging on Muscle Hypertrophy

595. Multi Drug Resistant Plasmid Transfer Between Salmonella and Two E. Coli Strains

596. 3D Visualization of Brainstem Anatomy in Relation to Lateral Medullary (Wallenberg) Syndrome

597. Intravenous Ketorolac and Intravenous Acetaminophen Effect on Kidney Function and Morphine Intake During Postoperative Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery at Maui Memorial Medical Center

598. Experience with and Perception of Research Among First Year Osteopathic Medical Students at Marian University

599. Paclitaxel Dose in iPSC-Generated Sensory Neurons for Ex Vivo Modeling of Taxane-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy

600. Ultrasound-guided Great Saphenous Vein Access in Trauma Cases