In this interview Sr. Patty Campbell discusses the strong bond with her parents as well as her gift of writing poetry in her early years of vocation discernment. In addition to her extensive experience in teaching, in...
In this oral history, Sr. Norma reflects on her sixty-four years (as of 2015) of being a Franciscan Sister. She discusses her upbringing in St. Louis, Missouri, during the Depression era, and how that led to her vocation of...
In her oral history, Sister Mildred Millie Speed discusses how she learned the importance of love and the true value of family from seeing the relationship between her mother and father at a young age. She reflects on how her...
In Sr. Mary Stella Gampfer’s oral history she discusses how she became interested in becoming a sister at a young age after a Sister of Saint Francis assisted her family through a difficult time. She recalls how she had Sisters...
In this interview Sr. Mary Gloria Gallagher discusses the choice she made between becoming a scientist (wanting to work for Proctor & Gamble) and her eventual lifelong love for playing and teaching music, in various places such...
In her oral history, Sr. Marilynn Hofer reflects on the importance of her Franciscan heritage and praying the Prayer of Saint Francis in her call to join the Sisters of Saint Francis, Oldenburg. An educator by trade, Sr. Hofer...
In this segment, Sr. Margaret Peg Maher discusses the influence the Sisters of Saint Francis had on her early life growing up in Saint Bernard in the heart of Cincinnati, Ohio. She had Sisters of Saint Francis for teachers from...
In this interview Sr. Joanita Koors reflects on her life in community, specifically the influences that helped shape her ongoing decision to join the convent in Oldenburg, in particular the warmth and trust of Sr. Joel Franks....
In this oral history Sr. Jean Marie Cleveland discusses her unlikely path of entering religious life in Indianapolis, her early entry into teaching math and physics, to eventually becoming a school principal, a Director of...
In her oral history, Sr. Diane Jamison describes how her mother and seventh grade teacher shaped her character and guided her decision to become a Sister of Saint Francis. A math and religious teacher, a director of religious...