In this interview, Sister Noreen McLaughlin relates her experience growing up in New Albany, Indiana, and her vocation to Oldenburg with a specialization in nursing and healthcare. Sr. Noreen goes on to describe her calling to...
In this interview Sr. Martine Mayborg highlights Mother Cephas's "Motherhouse Message" for the call to mission work in Papua New Guinea and her overall experience of traveling and teaching there. Sr. Martine was one of the...
In her oral history, Sister Lorraine Geis reflects on her time as a Sister of Saint Francis both in the United States and Papua New Guinea. Sister Geis grew up in a farming family, which would set the foundation for her love of...
In this interview Sr. Kathryn Holohan reflects on her desire to become a missionary at a very early age and the opportunity to do so in Papua New Guinea. One of the first four Sisters of St. Francis to contribute to a...
In her interview Sister Joan Laughlin recounts her initial reticence toward the call for mission work in Papua New Guinea as well as her eventual embrace of the work and her love for the people and culture of PNG. Sr. Joan is...
In this segment Sr. Jean Michael Sauntry discusses her decision to become a Sister of Saint Francis at Oldenburg, Indiana, after surviving a childhood illness and her mother’s encouragement that “God has a plan for you in the...
In this oral history Sr. Doris Holohan describes her persistence (despite an initial setback) as well as her joy in eventually being able to serve the Sisters' mission work in Papua New Guinea. In addition to relating her...
In her oral history, Sr. Ann Vonder Meulen discusses how her love for those who are underrepresented in society began as a young child with her family’s inclusion of Japanese American neighbors into their home. She describes...
In this interview Sr. Therese Tackett discusses the challenges of her entry into religious life, especially coming from her home in Bluefield, West Virginia. She goes on to describe her work as an educator in poverty-stricken...
Equipped with degrees in finance and accounting and influenced by a college course on social issues in New York, Sr. Robbie Pentecost decided to enter the community of the Sisters of Saint Francis, Oldenburg more than 31 years...