Wisser, Layla, Hartman, Taylor, Young, Emily, and Mason, Tina
Access to healthcare is a multidimensional concept influenced by many factors:
- Individuals of lower socioeconomic status tend to have a more difficult time accessing care leading to poorer health (McMaughan et...
“The legacy of slavery still shadows the American health-care system The inequalities of the health system were built in from the beginning,” said former Harvard College Dean Evelynn M. Hammonds.
The legacy of slavery as a...
What is it?
Organ transplantation is a surgical procedure in which a failing organ is replaced by a healthy organ .The healthy organ can come from a deceased or living donation
Who needs organ transplants?
Introduction: We are now in an age where a company's competitive advantage is dependent upon its ability to capture, analyze, and understand personalized customer data.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way...
While both Germany and America share a commitment to environmental protection, there are notable distinctions in their approaches to addressing the problem. Because Germany has implemented regulations on environmental policies,...
The influence of technology on the Deaf community is noticeable. Throughout the past decade, the impact of cell phones, Internet, and Cochlear Implants have brought new benefits and new challenges to the Deaf community. While...
Background and Review of Literature: Cricoid pressure is a technique of applying digital pressure along the outside of the upper airway to reduce the risk of aspiration of stomach contents during anesthesia induction. Improper...
Laryngospasm and bronchospasm are anesthesia complications that occur commonly in the operating room. Laryngospam and bronchospasm can both lead to hypoxia, hypercarbia, and hemodynamic instability. Our goal was to determine if...
Background and Review of Literature: Operating room (OR) fires can inflict devastating harm to healthcare organizations, staff, patients, and caretakers. All perioperative staff members need specific education on preventing and...