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Resultados da Busca

1. Addressing CRNA Student Clinical Orientation through Needs Assessment and Education

2. Simulation-Based Training for Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists Managing Malignant Hyperthermia

3. Improving Pharmacologic Preparedness of First Year SRNAs Prior to Clinical

4. Effectiveness of Utilizing the Anatomage Table to Teach a Neuraxial Block

5. Cricothyrotomy: The Life-saving Airway Procedure

6. Assessing PACU Handoff Report Confidence

7. Nurse Anesthesia Program Structures Impact on SRNA Stress Levels

8. Nurse Anesthesia Program Structures Impact on SRNA Stress Levels

9. INACSL Simulation-Based Training for Bag-Mask Ventilation

10. Simulation-Based Training for Anesthesia Machine Set-up