

Nouvelle recherche Filtrage par: Créateur Cavanaugh, Nicholas B. Supprimer la restriction Créateur: Cavanaugh, Nicholas B.

Résultats de recherche

1. Role of a Transient Receptor Potential Channels in Marfan Syndrome-induced Aortopathy and Cardiomyopathy

2. Sliding Arch Aortoplasty with Continuous Coronary Perfusion for Aortic Arch Hypoplasia Beyond Infancy

3. Mouse Model of Marfan Syndrome Accelerates Aneurysmal Formation through Well-Characterized TGF-? Signaling Pathways

4. Automated Suturing For Pacemaker Lead Placement Via Video Guided Minimally Invasive Surgical Access

5. Bovine Aortic Arch Shortens Available Clamping Distance for Extended End-to-End Repair of Infant Coarctation of the Aorta